Russian Embassy rejected Australian concerns on Alexei Navalny sentence

BYYasir Rehman


Russian Embassy has rejected the concerns of Australian government over sentencing of Alexei Navalny.

Foreign Minister Marise Payne has expressed her deep concerns over arrest and subsequent sentencing of Alexei Navalny to two years and eight months’ imprisonment and called for Mr Navalny’s immediate and unconditional release.

“Australia is also concerned by the approach of Russian authorities against peaceful protesters and journalists detained in recent weeks. We call for their release without delay. Australia supports all peoples’ right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly”, she said in a statement on Wednesday.

Reacting strongly on Foreign Minister Payne statement, a spokesperson of Russian Embassy in Australia pointed that rather than being “concerned” with the sentence passed by a court in a sovereign country under the national legislation, Australia should show concern about its own years-long practice of extra-judicial detention of people including children in “off-shore processing centers.

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