Russian Embassy dismisses Australia & Five Eyes accusations

“Disinformation contributes to fear and division”, Embassy spokesperson

BYYasir Rehman

Russia embassy

Russian Embassy in Australia has dismissed the baseless accusations of Australia and other members of the Five Eyes alliance accusing Russia of cyber attacks aimed at stealing research information on COVID-19 vaccine.

On a question posed by the Vibe Media, a spokesperson of the Embassy said that “ we have noted the Australian Government media release of 17 July quoting verbatim the baseless accusations made in the UK – US – Canada Advisory: APT29 targets COVID-19 vaccine development, to the extent of not omitting the “almost certainly”formulation, quite telling in itself.

Spokesperson reminded that for cyberthreats, Russia has been for years proposing to the West to establish a professional dialogue to thoroughly consider the issues that may arise. 

Spokesperson pointed that the Australian authorities are well aware of the existing bilateral channels of communication specifically envisaged to address mutual concerns related to computer incidents. 

Back in 2018 Russia established its National Computer Incident Response and Coordination Centre, and it has been open to consider any facts-based requests from the Australian Cyber Security Centre, as well as respective bodies of the US, UK, Canada and other countries. 

“No requests on the incidents mentioned above have been received. One has to conclude therefore that this is not about a genuine cyber security concern. We are facing amalicious disinformation campaign, a manifestation of the “infodemic” that accompanies COVID-19”, he added.

“One could also safely assume that the timing of thecampaign has to do with the recent rather promising results of the vaccine research conducted in Russia”, spokesperson pointed out.

He lamented that some countries are using the pandemic to denigrate and discredit others in line with their own geopolitical agenda. 

“Disinformation contributes to fear and division, thus undermining the capacity of the world community to work together towards the common good”, he said.

Spokesperson reiterated that Russia remains committed to a transparent and coordinated global response to the pandemic in the spirit of solidarity as stipulated i.a. in the documents adopted by G20, of which both Russia and Australia are members.

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