Ambassador of Japan in Australia Reiichiro Takahashi has reconfirmed the importance of the long-term partnership between Japan and State of Tasmania during his recent visit to Tasmania.
Japanese Ambassador during his three days visit had general exchanges of views on the Japan-Australia relationship and ways to promote stronger ties between Japan and the State of Tasmania with dignitaries including the Justice Alan Blow AO, Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, Mr Will Hodgman , Premier of the State of Tasmania, Sue Hickey, Speaker of the House of Assembly, and Councillor Anna Reynolds, Lord Mayor of Hobart.
“Japan is the third largest trading partner of Tasmania and our economic ties have strengthened in various fields such as agriculture, livestock and mining”, said a statement issued by the Embassy of Japan.

Tasmania is also an active participant in many sister city relationships with Japan, including the partnership between Hobart and Yaizu city in Shizuoka Prefecture which has existed since 1977.
Many diverse cultural exchange events have also been held in Tasmania.
During his visit, the Ambassador reconfirmed the importance of the long-term partnership between Japan and Tasmania and the need to work towards even stronger relations in a wide range of fields including agriculture, energy, culture, Antarctic research and tourism.
Based on this successful visit, Ambassador Takahashi will continue to expend every effort to further strengthen the relationship between Japan and the State of Tasmania.